Explore the Inner Cosmic Landscape
An intricate game of Connect-the-Dots: The Astrology of You
I consider astrology to be a useful tool for personal development and self-reflection: an empowering, valid and promising modality of therapy/healing/mental wellness. A portal
through which we are served our own human dignity as well as our divinity. It is an ancient language used by humans for thousands of years to understand the relationship between planetary energies, earthly events, and the human psyche. I have been studying astrology drawing from a wide variety of sources and teachers since 2018, with a specific focus on natal and family astrology. I incorporate Greco-Roman mythologies and concepts from medical astrology into my ever-evolving practice.
Currently, I focus on complex natal chart interpretations, individual/family nodal destiny in multigenerational genograms, and more. I am a second-year professional graduate student in Marriage and Family Therapy (class of 2024).
In my essays, I share my personal experiences as made sense through the natal chart placements, and how we can find deep empowerment for working with life’s obstacles.
Because of my personal relationship with the 6th, 8th and 12th houses, I am able to offer insight for those struggling in these areas of life traditionally-labeled as “bad spirits” or “bad fortune” + intense energy exchanges.
Because of my natal moon opposing Pluto (on the Taurus/Scorpio axis), I have spent much of my life attempting to reconcile persistent mental health issues. It was through my discovery of astrology that I was able to both make sense of, and accept these issues, to begin integration and transformation. A useful mantra for me has been: Integration v. Alienation, and so this is a major theme in my work.
Astrology is a lifelong study and practice, and is accessible to everyone. I will always be transparent about my knowledge, qualifications, and where I am at in my studies. I offer a variety of services on a limited basis and am amenable to customized readings based on your query.
I work from a bio-psycho-social-spiritual systemic lens. I am also a member of The International Society for Astrological Research (ISAR) and hope to design a research study that will empirically validate astrology as an effective therapeutic approach.
My offerings include Full Natal Chart readings (this is your extensive birth chart); exclusive Asteroid Goddesses readings (strengths & wounds of the psyche); exclusive House readings; family genograms; Lunar Nodes; and astrology art pieces. I offer free tarot and oracle card pulls. In addition, I make needle-felted mushrooms + customized astrology totems. You will find my written psycho-spiritual Astro essays included on the blog. I do sliding scale for BIPOC/LGBTQIA+ (just ask).

My Journey
Ciao amici! My given name is Danielle Ventimiglia, stage name Velma Libra, and I am a multitasking, multidimensional being currently working towards a Master of Science in Marriage and Family Therapy alongside my passion for studying (and writing about) astrology. I am a member of The International Society for Astrological Research (ISAR) and enjoy attending astrology conferences.
I use she/her/they pronouns and am a guest on Klamath/Modoc/Yahooskin land where I live with my two beautiful children. I was diagnosed with epilepsy in 2018, and am a firm believer in disability rights/medical advocacy. I hold a B.A. in Comparative Cultures with an African emphasis, and a B.A. in French.
I am an eternal student, mother to Sage and Wolfie, bunny mommy to Nelson and tarantula mommy to Aragog, 3 of Swords, Scorpio Stellium, exalted 12H moon in Taurus, world traveler, rogue anthropologist, global volunteer, artist, true Gemini rising chameleon.
I cannot fit into this space but I’ve found my place within the cosmos and I would love to work with those who have cosmically curious hearts & minds.
Please feel free to contact me for more info. And thank you for your patience as this website and my life are works in progress (amirite?)
Find me on Instagram! @rare.moon.psyche
May you feel the stardust on your shoulders, lifting any heavy human burdens into heavenly delights, against a backdrop of planetary actions, floating asteroids + burning stars.

Full Natal Chart Reading
This is a complex, highly detailed natal chart reading. As a phone call (I think focusing on voice and internal visualizations is best but Zoom is an option)... I will go over each planet starting with the Sun and Rising (ascendant), following archetypal energies, which house (or area of life) these energies occupy in your chart, and any significant planetary aspects. We will also cover the Lunar nodes (north and south nodes of the moon).
I will give a brief description of the major Asteroid Goddesses and their significance.
You’re welcome to ask questions along the way for clarification. Please note this conversation could take over an hour, so plan accordingly! I will send your printed chart plus my written notes to your mailing address after the reading, next day.
Asteroid Goddesses exclusive reading
This is an exclusive offering focused entirely on the natal placements of the major asteroid goddesses.
In a detailed reading, we will discuss: Chiron (core wound); Black Moon Lilith (primal rage, rejection, kinks): Pallas (warrior wisdom + Patron of the arts): Juno (capacity for meaningful relationships); Vesta (self-integration, solitude and self-care) and Ceres (unconditional love + grief).

Exclusive House reading
Choose a house, any house! We will look at your full natal chart, then hone in on the two most active houses (houses with the most concentration of planets). This is meant to give an idea of major life themes, and can be a useful place to start when exploring the astrology of you.
Contact me via email or Etsy to book a session, for you or a loved one.

Sagittarius sun
“Thank you for the thorough interpretation of my natal chart! Your knowledge and insight were very helpful, and I was impressed with the level of detail you went into. I loved that you touched on the asteroids, which were new to me.Thank you for highlighting strengths in my chart, and for your warm encouragement. Your reading is something I will return to for insight again as I take time to absorb the wealth of information that you shared.”

Virgo sun
“For someone like me, who isn’t super familiar with astrology terms and meanings, having my natal chart read (and also explained) was a LOT to process. I am grateful to have Danielle interpret my chart in a way that I was able to start connecting some dots in my life and make sense of what to focus on. She was extremely thorough, detailed and carefully organized all the complex intricacies of my chart, to simply help me! I appreciate her openness, humor, and nonjudgmental attitude toward the entire experience. Thank you!”

Taurus sun
“Danielle’s reading of my natal chart was an incredibly valuable experience. I was pleasantly surprised at how accurate she was able to get in connecting the reading to my life in the day to day as well as in the big picture. She was very intuitive in her delivery of the information, knowing when to slow down or ask questions regarding my understanding so that she could provide the best possible experience. As someone who is quite new to this way of looking at things, she was a great facilitator and educator of the process. Following the reading she send me a beautiful packet including a print out of my chart along with her handwritten notes to remind me of the information we discussed. She then followed up even further by sending me an email with more educational material to connect with everything else she had given me. Danielle is a great blend of knowledgable, compassionate, and professional in her delivery of the information. I would highly recommend Danielle to anyone wanting a stellar experience in having your natal chart read.”

Exclusive House Reading
“Danielle is a gifted astrologer with amazing sensitivity for surfacing root issues and conflicts. My reading today focused on the astrological houses and asteroids (who knew?!!!) and I found her knowledgeable and wise. I’ve had several natal chart interpretations; yet, Danielle’s is stellar. With my sixth house stellium, she provided me new insights. I’ve never met her before today - she’s awesome and I look forward to a future reading of north/south nodes plus her astrological chart drawing.”

Capricorn sun
“ Danielle did an amazing job with my reading. She provided really insightful interpretations of my chart, which resonated and gave me things to think about ! I’m going to have her do my daughter’s chart.”

Aquarius sun
“Danielle gave me a detailed reading that went above and beyond what I expected. I have a much better understanding of my chart and what my placements mean for me. When she explained each placement, it felt almost like therapy and was very healing. I would recommend a reading from Danielle to my friends and family. 10 out of 10.”

Scorpio sun
“Danielle was absolutely spot on in my reading. She presented my birth chart verbally and was very thorough, attentive, and overall super excited to dig deeper into my questions and share her knowledge and expertise. She was very caring in her delivery and a great communicator. She also sent me a hard copy of the birth chart showing her personalization and caring character that you get the best reading possible.”

Astrology Artistry
Art stuff
I do little watercolor paintings of symbols and zodiac signs. Email me for customization. Each piece is one of a kind.