1. Don’t ever let anyone make you feel small. Especially yourself. Don’t fall for that trap.
2. You actually don’t need to be liked by everyone. Do you like yourself? Get real.
3. Make sure the people you surround yourself with are actually your people. Don’t conform.
4. If you are only friends with people who are similar to you, you’re missing the point. We learn the most thru our differences.
5. I don’t subscribe to bestie culture and I don’t do carbon copies.
6. Boundaries are a must.
7. Don’t fall for people pleasing! Most people aren’t even pleased with themselves.
8. Don’t worry about what others think about you - most are too busy thinking about themselves.
9. Not everything has to be a compromise. It is also perfectly fine to burn bridges as long as this is not the habitual pattern. We are here to learn how to navigate conflict and find ways to relational understanding.
10. Pink is not my favorite color but it goes really well with black.
11. You don’t have to dress up to feel pretty but it’s pretty fun nonetheless.
12. Disney fucked me up. But what’s really fucked yo is that I still have love for it 😅
13. Following your own path is always better than following someone else’s.
14. Stay true to your values and build on your passions - and they will make dreams come true.
15. The word NO is your “bestie.”
16. Who the fuck cares about your clothing brand anyways? Ps I love jewelry. Only the kind I buy myself. And my grandmother’s collection.
17. I had my slutty phase, maybe a couple. I was the make-out queen.
18. Kissin n huggin is better than fuggin
19. Intellectual connection is a must. #libralessons ♎︎ also worth noting: I am always in the process of getting to know myself, and fully love the person I discover in the process.

20. Fear not rejection, it’s no fun to prioritize self-protection. One door closes and another one swings open.
21. If you laugh at it, that’s half the battle. I want to smile and laugh more in life, in general.
22. Comparison is like a cancer to the soul. You are exactly who you’re meant to be.
23. It is always worth standing up to bullies and fighting for the underdog. We must champion the vulnerable.
24. Say YES to what makes you feel yourself in your full vibrancy.
25. Know what to say YES to and when.
26. Not making a decision is a decision in itself.
27. Learn about gaslighting. It is important to admit that each one of us has been a victim, villain, and hero in someone else’s story. We play these roles with ourselves, too. Accountability is key.
28. Imposter syndrome seems real, but your talent and worth are the realest. Lean into that.
29. Thoughts and words hold weight. Choose wisely. This has actually been a really hard lesson for me and I am sorry to the ones I have hurt.
30. Perspective is crucial. Sometimes this requires gaining a different vantage point, a new-take on how to see your circumstances. A re-frame. A good therapist can help as an objective perspective. So can nature. You’ll find your way through trial and time.
31. Conflict and stress are inevitable. Many uncomfortable things are. They are here to teach us deeper lessons about our own humanity.
32. Harmony exists within nature but humans have absolutely thrown it out of balance.
33. Reciprocity in all my relationships is a must.
34. It is a gift to wake up in the morning. I often say “I’m sorry” when I wake up, for years I have been cloaked in regret, resentment, and deep grief. But what I really mean to say is “Thank you.” Gratitude is essential. Thank you for another day, for it is another chance to love again.
35. Androgyny is cool. Gender is an identity, not a sexuality. Your identity is entirely up to you and no one else can give that to you or take it away, try as they might.
36. Time spent alone is amazing. Try it sometime.
37. Despite everything I just wrote, I still know nothing and have zero answers. Humility is a noble quality.
38. You’ve got to show up to life with every ounce of love you can - when you’ve figured that out, let me know.