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Pluto in Leo: a generational breakdown

Writer: Danielle VentimigliaDanielle Ventimiglia

Pluto in Leo generational cohort: the golden age of cinema and the picture perfect American family

When astrologers talk about Pluto as an archetype, we often mention the mythology of the Underworld journey relating to Persephone’s abduction. What this story essentially boils down to is this: we all have caverns of inner anxieties, fears, and shadows, things we hide deep within the psyche. And at one point or another in life, we are called to take an honest look at these dark places. Confront the trauma, so to speak. Pluto is a generational planet since it has the longest orbit around the sun. This article is a relatively brief exploration and dissection of the Pluto in Leo generation, and I am a child of parents from this Pluto cohort. The following will read first like a criticism and then I will offer some hopeful antidotes. Ultimately, this should encourage others to delve into their own Pluto archetype and generational themes of pain or trauma.

Leo as an archetype is the proud lion, courageous of heart, that often likes to be the center of attention, even craving popularity if the individual is not practicing the archetype’s higher expression. I write about low expression (think negative vibes) and high expression (or high-minded, an intentional heart) to illustrate how one can work with the energy of any zodiac sign.

Another way to strive for the high expression is to take the axis antidote of the opposite sign, in Leo’s case, Aquarius. If Leo is centered around individual creative expression, the true performer on the stage of life, then Aquarius is the contrarian humanitarian that seeks to unite people under a common aspirational goal. It is the difference between sole-soul work, and teamwork dreamwork. I think the hyper individualism of the nuclear family beginning in the 1950s is tragic because it broke away from the concept of “it takes a village.” This is the Leo-Aquarius conception.

The people born in the 1950s (such as my parents and maybe your parents too?) were the first to experience having a TV in the home- thus was born the ritual of family movie nights, being entertained by entertainers, love, romance, and human drama as highlighted in the limelight. This one technological device set the stage for the evolution of our collective values. Hyper focus on appearances, individualism, the glory and glamour of fame, and learning emotional intelligence via fictional characters are all themes that were transmitted from this generation. Leo is the performer, so naturally, this makes sense, the shadow side being the indulgences of the ego. I have found that many from this generation hold a general sense of superiority, demanding respect (yet too proud to give it), with characteristics of mild to moderate narcissism.

Another shadow of Leo is extreme sexual repression. Pluto here can allude to sexual abuse. Sex is a sacred creative energy exchange and the experience of pleasure is likened to holy ecstasy. Leo revels in this kind of creativity so when it is forced to remain hidden, locked away, pushed aside, forgotten…or abused, then the low vibes of the Lion will emerge. With no outlet, we rage and we roar.

The 5th house that is the home of Leo, is the home of sexual expression, children, pleasure, risk-taking, and core creativity. I think the 1950s had a very conservative, proper front for the exemplary American family and this caused a lot of sexual repression in parents. The lack of sex education in schools is one result of this repression. Luckily, from Pluto in Leo was born Pluto in Scorpio, truth seeker and investigator of taboo.

Raising Pluto in Scorpio kids in the 90s, an era which promoted sexual expression or perceived promiscuity (MTV), probably heightened whatever fear of sexuality these parents developed in their youth from their parents’ framework … contextual realities of the time.

Sexual repression- fear of persecution - all of that is real. However, repression can lead to regret and I’ve witnessed certain parents projecting their own hopes and dreams for fame/achievement/popularity onto their children. I think of the Golden Child who makes the family proud. This has manifested as treating one grown adult child as an actual child so as to maintain the powerful role of parent. In this way, the parent never has to stop parenting or transition into old age. Perhaps Pluto in Leo people have a fear of growing old, and thus cling to the idea of staying young forever, with the heart of a child (if not a spoiled, attention-starved brat)…

So what are the strengths and gifts of this generation (on a good day)?

Child-like energy that invites and inspires creative expression.

Some of the best performers came from this generation and the world of entertainment was at an all-time high - the veritable golden age of film. Courage and commitment as family providers; fierce family protectors;  confident masculine; the ability to play…these are among the better legacy of Pluto in Leo.

As many of them begin to die off, it is good to honor their efforts, as with all generations, and appreciate their affection to whatever extent they were able to offer it. There were and are many warm hearted lions out there. To my parents, even though our relationship remains complicated, I will forever love you and know you did the best you could.

That’s show biz baby!


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