This full moon is influential on both personal and collective levels because it speaks to Chiron (which is in Aries) and the core wounds we are tending to in this life.
Aries is a cardinal, personal fire sign that starts the entire zodiacal cycle. This archetype is a warrior, and fittingly, this is a Hunter Full Moon.
We are hunting after our own hungry desires to be seen, known, and cherished by ourselves and others. We are finding the habitual patterns of being a bully to ourselves- patterns we learned from others.
Sometimes it feels like life (and others) treat you like a punching bag. At some point, for some reason, you were belittled and made to feel powerless. You were made to feel like you had to fight.
Now it is time to decide: for what and for whom are you fighting? Is the biggest bully right there in the mirror?
Harness the energy of the inner Martian warrior by balancing it with the grace of the inner Venusian diplomat … give yourself the friendship and care you longed for and (maybe still are longing for).
Including ourselves is the greatest gift on this journey of relational health, as the relationship we have with ourselves is the one we carry our entire lives. Include yourself in the love you desire to experience, in the things that fill your heart, and the rest will fall into place.
You can encourage and inspire people simply by holding space for them. It is not about wanting or trying to be an inspiration to others. It is about being the person that is most helpful to you, and to others in varying circumstance. It is about shared connection in a world that strives to keep us apart. Competition breeds division. True community and acceptance is inclusive. The choice and ability to include others is at the heart of a solid community.
When we stop using others to promote our own agenda, and instead, just show up for people, as they are in the moment, when deep care is needed: that is the ultimate, life-SAVING gift. It is also life-GIVING and life-AFFIRMING. This is true inspiration -as within, so without.
I’ve experienced the pain of living without a sense of physical community. Slowly, I’ve been building connections online- some have proved to be more meaningful than those built IRL. It is a choice, a gift, and a privilege to show up in the lives of others. As this week’s energy builds into the culminating experience of the Full Hunter Moon in Aries on Sunday…I have been meditating on ideas of self (Aries the head, ego) and Other (Libra the heart, relational fields). Whatever wisdom comes thru for you, will be delivered on the wounded heel of Chiron. Let’s make fire-light of all those wounds, both relational and self-inflicted. They are woven inextricably together in the complex process we call Life.
Not an image, not an aesthetic, not a condition..
Shift the narrative. The old narrative: “I’m just a dumb Libra who lives on the edge of everything that is cool.”
The new narrative: “I’m the coolest person I know.”
Set flame to the scars of your wounding around relationships and others. Spark a light on your own magical essence- what makes you, you.