Having planets in the 12th house can feel very Saturnian at times. But I have learned some lessons in my 12th house experience…
Self worth in solitude - I alone solidify my sense of worth. I exalt in time spent alone, for it is time well spent in quality company (at its best expression).
Imagery of the goddess Venus and bulls representing Taurus are found in many art styles throughout history. To have such a beautiful sign ruling a traditionally complicated and expansive house is an effervescent experience.
I learned in a lecture at ISAR conference that wherein the 6th house we find themes of domestic animals and pets, it is in the opposing 12th house we find the realm of wild beasts. I like to think this includes those beasts we dream up. Many fairytales revolve around triumph overcoming some sort of beast. Whether it is Beauty and the Beast or the big bad wolf (maybe also check out The Beast explicit French version, which is more a surrender😏)… these beasts blossomed in ancient lore undoubtedly from images embedded in the subconscious.
I like the idea that in waking life, I take comfort in the meaningful relationship I have with my domestic pets, especially my bunny. In my dream life, or even in my battle with Pluto lord of the underworld opposing this exalted Taurus moon, it is a bit more complicated. I have found that there is at least one hungry, wild beast within me. Perhaps it is all the hungrier for having the north node sitting in the 12th. A spiritual hunger that I am now learning how to feed with honor and love, for I know that one day, I’ll trade this garden sanctuary for an eternal forest ☙ ☙ ☙ How do you experience the 12th house? What planet and sign rule it? What natal placements have taught you the most? Which have you felt acceptance with? More importantly, do you have any animals? 😁