The succession of houses is so important to understand. We begin the Fool’s journey with Aries, the head, the eye of the mind, the concept of self and existence. The will to live and be alive, to sometimes live dangerously, boldly. With passionate action!
We needed some wise guidance so we moved on to the 2nd house of material wealth, sensory experiences, and “the lust for existence.” Since Taurus rules “what’s mine” and its polar opposite Scorpio reminds “what’s ours”… we could not stay in Taurus’s earthly wisdom (we came to know God through experiencing ourselves).
We needed others to communicate/learn. To be our mirrors… to expand our network. We needed to disseminate the divine knowledge and so Gemini evolved into the 3rd house.
We became exhausted- so we took rest back at home in the 4th house of Cancer.
Here, we began to dig around in our original shells finding family treasures, fashioned from deep emotions.
We had to show off those treasures once we re emerged in the glorious 5th house of fun ruled by confidant Leo!
We needed to learn self-pleasure (focusing again on the ego experience) before going on to serve others in the 6th house of Virgos dedication to detail and duty.
We were ready to come out again and join with others, instead of getting lost in details.
7th house of partnerships ruled by the diplomatic Libra, we were able to form alliances and work toward relational harmony.
Well, all partnerships must be put to the test, which brings us to the 8th house of intense energy exchanges and the search for trust/truth ruled by our best friend and greatest enemy Scorpio (love you babes!)-
My god that Underworld was heavy so we gotta catch that lightweight arrow slung from Sagittarius’ bow - we need out of the dungeon and back into the world, finding new adventure with new partners to continue to journey of the Fool.
After traversing the 9th house of higher learning and experiencing so much of the world, we cultivated spirituality and the desire to build a legacy .
So we enter the 10th house effort of professional endeavor and public achievements ruled by hardworking Capricorn. We can be proud to have summited this mountain journey.
At the top, it feels a little lonely but on the way back down the air is filled with song, friends singing celebration, aspiration and community! What a joyous reunion in a house ruled by Aquarius. People can dream and scheme here, together, in shared vision.
Finally, we tire of all the social endeavoring… we come to rest at the 12th house where we can sit with ourselves, reflect, see where our passed down demons got the best of us, and where the ancestors always protected us. We are one with spirit, beyond the human experience in the oceanic house of Pisces.
We have completed the Fool’s journey, only to repeat the cycle again, forevermore.
