There shall be no idle hands.
To do, or not to do? that is the question.
It’s really quite simple:
I wanna do all the things.
Make a list of all you’ve done in life.
Then add to it all the things you still have yet to do, ad infinitum.
This is Mars in Gemini.
But humans have very real limitations. We are not only Greek gods sending messages between worlds like Hermès,
We are earth-bound beings that are not meant to do all the things.
We can take what we’ve learned from the steady committed grind of Mars in Taurus… and bring in a “manageable” amount of curiosity, projects, ventures, conversations, etc. It is easy to go down rabbit holes, but harder to climb out with any sense of direction.
When Mars goes retrograde (Rx), it will be a good time to review where your energy is being expended, or perhaps spread too thin.
I will let you know when my chaos has been successfully “managed.”
What if we took a breath before every thing we did? Need more oxygen to the brain and to slow down the process.
Mars in a mercurial sign will need plenty of nervous system regulation!
🔋💌 📝 Happy Mars in Gemini 📝💌🔋