🧿🕸🍄 The temptress of truth, the deep diver and the investigator. Plunge deep, my sweets.
When I write about Scorpio, I speak from the vantage point of someone with Venus in Scorpio, or the personal value system. Scorpio values truth, which means cutting through the bullshit and peeling away the façades. When the scorpion stings, it brings a dose of hard love. We show you what you’re unwilling to see, and we do it with fervor. There is no gain in living a lie.
Scorpio rules the 8th house of intense energy exchanges- this includes the death/life cycle as well as inheritances, taxes, sex and all that is considered taboo. The true Scorpio fears not the exploration of these subjects.
I’ve written so much about the Scorpio-Taurus axis and so I’m keeping this one succinct.
When Scorpio starts to get stuck in stagnant waters, when the obsessions turn to jealousy or vengeance, when the well is running high or running dry… the intensity of Scorpio can be its greatest weakness. It is wise to channel some Taurean stability by focusing on the blessings in our lives- and to know that we are worthy of feeling abundant, seen and valued for the truth sayers Scorpios truly are.
So sting me with the serum of truth, oh sweet seductress, and not the venom of vengeful poison.
Your magic healing powers are your greatest gift to the world.