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♍︎ Virgo Season

Writer: Danielle VentimigliaDanielle Ventimiglia

Like a Virgin 🎶

The cosmic cycle presents: Virgo Season

A time to purify, go inward like Vesta, in service to ourselves and others. Virgo is mutable earth, ruled by the mind of Mercury, interested in mastering a craft.

To “master” something, one must be focused on detail, determination, and the ability to keep making mistakes without making them our masters.

Virgo is a disciple, and helps us with discipline, ruling the 6th house of routines, work, physical health, service to others, and pets/animals. Virgo is represented by The Hermit card in tarot, and you can often find Virgos in their personal work zone.

I happen to be blessed with a 6th house stellium, which hosts the planets Saturn, Venus, and Pluto, as well as my South Node of past life talents. According to one evolutionary astrologer’s interpretation on my south node: I was a prominent whore (service to others, probs died of a venereal disease), possibly in France circa Les Misérables (I always had a fondness for Montmartre and le Moulin Rouge when I lived in Paris). I rather like this interpretation and brings to mind the purification of my sex life through spirituality, sensual sadness and solitude -  a 12H Taurus north node journey.

Back to Virgo: we may find ourselves in more of a managerial mode over the next month, getting organized, refining our daily routines, investing more seriously in our health, offering help to others, allowing ourselves to RECEIVE help and even critical feedback from others… or honing a craft. Perhaps we will take on all of those tasks because of that mega Mercury energy with Mars freshly in Gemini!

Happy Virgo season- may we go easy on ourselves and others by practicing unconditional positive regard🕯


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